What we provide
Ideal for opening speeches or for dialogues between a speaker and the audience, our Avatar can be used as a virtual assistant, or it can lend its face to managers and other guests who will have to intervene on stage, giving the speech a strongly high-tech cut.
This is the list of materials that we bring along.
- Computer with tracking technology
- Tracking sensor
- Computer to transmit live with HDMI or NDI output
- ONE THOUSAND™ technicians
To transmit our virtual face on your video server we can provide you with:
- HDMI 1920 * 1080 output from our computer (normal video output)
- NDI output
We can provide the virtual face with a high tech background or with green screen so that you can adapt the video and superimpose it as you prefer in your output.
You can choose between
Standard Face
Animation of a standard male or female face provided by us. Both can be used, but not simultaneously.
Semi-Standard Face
Animation of a standard male or female face supplied by us with the addition of an accessory or minor changes in the texture.
Customized Face
Animation of the face of a 3D character provided by the customer or designed from scratch.
This is the list of materials at your expense and to be requested from the Service that will take care of the preparation.
- An actor to animate the virtual face (male or female)
- A table for 2 computers with 2 chairs
- N. 2 monitors
- A speaker microphone (with different vocal effects if required)
- A table lamp to illuminate the face of the speaker
- Projectors or led wall with video server to send the digital face on your screen
If this technology is provided together with a show, for technical reasons before and after each intervention, a small break will be necessary to switch from the direction of the Interactive Speech to that of the show and vice versa.
Described here are basic indications and may vary according to the location or type of intervention requested. If it is not possible to have the requested material, we will quote the supply separately.